DPLA Community Reps Wiki

The purpose of this wiki is to provide a space for DPLA Community Reps to upload and describe materials created as part of their outreach activities. 

Please put up outreach materials that you think will help others. By contributing to this wiki, you agree not to post material(s) that infringe upon the copyrights belonging to others. Instructions for adding attachments can be found below. You can download items individually or in bulk.

Extensive documentation for using Confluence is available here

How to add material(s) to this page

  1. Click the paperclip icon located in the top left corner.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and upload your file(s).How to properly format your material(s)'s description
  3. In the comment field (click image for more), add a description of your attached file(s) using this format:
    1. [Name]. 1 sentence description of material. 1 sentence description of intended audience.
    2. EXAMPLE: [Kenny Whitebloom] This is an image of an RSS feed button. It is useful for anyone building a website.
  4. Click attach and you're all set! The list below should now contain your uploaded material(s).

Reps Materials

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DPLA-API-communityrep-dcplumer.pptx DPLA API Presentation with Notes (PPTx) - Created by Danielle Cunniff Plumer for Community Reps webinar, August 18, 2014.

Aug 18, 2014 by Anonymous

PDF File DPLA Reps Timeline and Reading List (5-13-14).pdf DPLA Reps Timeline and Reading List (PDF) - Updated on May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PDF File DPLA Generic Slidedeck without Notes (5-13-14).pdf Generic DPLA Slidedeck without Notes (PDF) - Updated May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 by Anonymous

PDF File DPLA Generic Slidedeck with Notes (5-13-14).pdf Generic DPLA Slidedeck with Notes (PDF) - Updated May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 by Anonymous

Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow DPLA Generic Slidedeck with Notes (5-13-14).ppt Generic DPLA Slidedeck (PPT) - Updated May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 by Anonymous

PDF File DPLA_Brochure_4-18-14_FINALFINAL.pdf [DPLA] Printable DPLA brochure for use in reps outreach activities.

Apr 19, 2014 by Anonymous

PDF File Digital Public Library of America - Library Research Guides at Le Moyne College.pdf [Inga Barnello] This is a PDF print-out of a web site Inga developed to use in her presentations. She often creates these to teach with. The live site can be found at: http://resources.library.lemoyne.edu/barnello/DPLA

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

JPEG File horizontal_logo_blue_withoutWhiteBackground.jpg [DPLA] Logo used in sidebar header.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PDF File DPLACommunityRepsPacket (2).pdf [DPLA] Packet first sent to Reps upon acceptance into the program, containing comprehensive information about the Reps program.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PDF File DPLA Community Reps Contact List (2013-2014).pdf [DPLA] A list containing contact information for all DPLA Reps. Reps can use this list to connect with potential collaborators.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PDF File DPLA Fact Sheet (last updated on 12-5-13)(PDF).pdf [DPLA] Short fact-sheet about DPLA. Reps can use this to better understand DPLA.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PDF File DPLA Community Reps Webinar Slides (January 2014)(PDF) (2).pdf [DPLA] Slides from Franky and Kenny's introductory webinar in January 2014. Reps can use these to better understand DPLA.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PNG File tumblr-A.png [Bob] This is a test. Testing!

Mar 18, 2014 by Anonymous

PNG File Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 1.11.42 PM.png A screenshot of the Confluence paperclip icon for use in the "how to" section of this page.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

PNG File Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 1.14.12 PM.png A screenshot of the Confluence upload interface for use in the "how to" section of this page.

Mar 18, 2014 by Kenny Whitebloom

DPLA-produced materials


Reps Intro PacketView PDF
DPLA Fact SheetView PDF
Timeline & Reading ListView PDF
Generic DPLA SlidedeckView PPT
Reps Contact ListView PDF
Intro Webinar (Slides)View PDF
Intro Webinar (Recording)View video


 You can find the Reps Google Group forum at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dpla-reps.

Questions? Email <info@dp.la>.