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In the platform application:

  1. Run rake tasks as dplaapi (sudo -u dplaapi -i) in /srv/www/api (You may need to 'rbenv shell 1.9.3-p547' first).
    Code Block
    $ bundle exec rake v1:create_and_deploy_index
    $ bundle exec rake v1:recreate_repo_api_key_database  # Even though you created dpla_api_auth above; for adding a view.
    $ bundle exec rails generate delayed_job
    $ bundle exec rails generate delayed_job:active_record
    $ bundle exec rake db:migrate 

Ensure that delayed_job is running, if you are using the contentqa engine. (Skip this paragraph if you don't know what contentqa is or don't need it yet.) Our configuration manager (automation) installs an init script as /etc/init.d/delayed_job_api.  Unfortunately, that script has no "status" command, so you can use ps aux | grep [d]elayed_job to find out if it's running. You should be able to use sudo service delayed_job_api start to start it, if necessary.

Install pyenv on the system where you will run ingestion. If you're using our VMs, this should be on your local system, not one of the VMs.

Install Python 2.7.6 by running pyenv install 2.7.6.  If you're on a server where the legacy ingestion system is the only Python application, make that the global default by typing pyenv global 2.7.6.

Install virtualenv by typing pip install virtualenv.

We On a server that is dedicated to ingestion, we tend to use /v1/ingestion as the virtualenv and put the application in /v1/ingestion/ingestion via git clone.   You'll need to create this /v1 directory as root, which means you should  run

Code Block
exit; #only if you are currently sudo dpla
sudo mkdir /v1
sudo chmod a+rwx /v1
sudo -u dpla -i #become sudo dpla again

Create a virtualenv environment where you will install the ingestion application. The example below shows where we put it on our dedicated ingestion server, but the location is really up to you if you're doing this locally. To configure and set up the virtrualenv:

Code Block
$ virtualenv -p /home/dpla/.pyenv/shims/python /v1/ingestion
$ source /v1/ingestion/bin/activate
