Hydra Metadata & PCDM
We were active throughout the initial development of PCDM, both at meetings in Portland and on mailing lists. Tom Johnson is a current PCDM committer.
Mark Matienzo is active in Hydra Metadata Working Groups.
We are participating in discussions surrounding specification of a Fedora API.
- Fedora Versioning API spec draft: http://fedora.info/spec/2016/05/20/resource-versioning
Tom Johnson is the primary maintainer of the ActiveTriples
project, which provides RDF modeling interfaces for Hydra.
- Released 0.10.0, 0.10.1, 0.10.2
- Backported performance improvements from 0.11.0 work.
- Related contributions to ldp gem , hydra-pcdm, & ActiveFedora
- Participating in Hydra Triplestore Interest Group
- 0.11.0 progress. Expecting to release this and 1.0 by mid-September.
Tom Johnson is a member of the core team for RDF.rb
- Added `Transaction#
- 2.1.0 released
- Dropped support for Ruby 2.1
- Benchmarking
- Improving external repository support
- Faster parsers and main memory data storage
- Early experiments at https://github.com/no-reply/rust-rdf