Knowing how your content is being used in DPLA is important, and DPLA currently uses Google Analytics to provide use data to our Member Hubs. Member Hubs may receive monthly reports from their Hub dashboard and/or get a Google Analytics account to interact with their dashboard directly. Please contact to set up monthly reports and/or a Google Analytics account. 

Tips for DPLA's Hub Analytics Dashboards

Improving DPLA and Hub Analytics

We are working to improve how we collect and report data to our Member Hubs, with support from the Mellon Foundation. In spring of 2017, DPLA staff surveyed our Hub members and held a focus group to gather input on how you use data about use of digital materials, metadata quality and completeness, and collection analysis. We presented a summary of our survey results in a Lightning Talk at DPLAfest. This work is still in progress - contact for more information.