DPLAfest Call for Session Proposals


DPLA is now seeking session proposals for DPLAfest 2016, taking place on April 14-15 in Washington, DC. An annual series of workshops, presentations, and discussions, DPLAfest brings together librarians, archivists, and museum professionals, developers and technologists, publishers and authors, educators, and many others to celebrate DPLA and its community of creative professionals. The hosts for DPLAfest 2016 include the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, and the Smithsonian Institution.

As in 2015, DPLA will set aside time to discuss the current landscape for library ebooks, and use this convening to continue shaping a national, library-led strategy. DPLAfest will also host the second LEAP partner face-to-face meeting for 2016. 

If you have session ideas for ebook programming, or any other topics you would like to contribute, please submit a proposal by January 22, 2016

For more information, visit http://dp.la/info/2015/11/19/call-for-dplafest-2016-session-proposals-now-open/

Please contact Michelle Bickert if you have any questions.