Evaluating Academic Titles in Unglue.it

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fRytlmulHlas00r85NUlADvpkAp2UnukWl6A19tptu4/edit?usp=sharing 

  1. Find the title/title list on the website
    1. Cornell Open - http://www.cornellopen.org/titles/
      1. These titles need to be manually added to the spreadsheet (20 titles)
    2. MIT Press - https://mitpress.mit.edu/open-access 
  2. Add the URL of the book page
  3. Search for the title in http://unglue.it  
    1. If there IS a page...
      1. Record the URL in the spreadsheet under 'In Unglue.it?'
      2. Click 'Download'. Is there an EPUB file available for download? Record under 'EPUB?'
      3. Take a look at the description. Does it look wrong? Is it missing? Make notes under 'Is metadata missing?'
      4. Take a look at the keywords ('More' tab next to description). Are there keywords? Make notes under 'Is metadata missing?'
    2. If there IS NOT a page...
      1. Record 'No' in the spreadsheet under 'In Unglue.it?'