Evaluating Publishers and Distributors for Open Bookshelf

Simmons Directory of Open Access Publishers

When evaluating publishers for inclusion in Open Bookshelf, please consider the general Collection Development Policy. As you explore sites, please follow the processes below:

Assign an initial ranking

1Topic is relevant to public libraries; copyright is clear and open; EPUB files readily available; project appears actively maintained
2Topic is relevant and of interest to public libraries, but one or more of the above is not true. Might be more hoops to jump through, but the content is worth it. 
3Topic is not of interest to public libraries; content is journal articles or not books; would not be worth pursuing

Adding to the Open Access Library Collections spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MQkFAz4rBPOELOUKhHjdojY0IbWDObIO4Q6NVgfeZKE/edit#gid=0 

If the publisher or distributor is a 1 or 2:

  1. Write the name and URL in the spreadsheet under the appropriate tab
  2. Add as much information as possible about the content scope, copyright, and format
  3. Note your ranking for priority

If a publisher or distributor is a 3 - don't bother writing down if you don't feel like it! If it helps you to keep track, you can make brief notes of why you did not include something.