Name | Organization | State | |
Rita Baladad | Minitex | balad001@umn.edu | MN |
Paula MacKinnon | Califa Library Group | pmackinnon@califa.org | CA |
Christine Peterson (co-chair) | Amigos Library Services | peterson@amigos.org | TX |
Michael Santangelo | Book Ops | michaelpsantangelo@bookops.org | NY |
Stephen Spohn (co-chair) | Massachusetts Library System | steve@masslibsystem.org | MA |
- Refine this charge and share with LEAP to further refine and finalize.
- Research and report on existing library- and library consortia-publisher direct connections related to eBook acquisitions.
- Administer a landscape survey of different types of content providers.
- Develop a publisher relations plan that (1) educates, (2) advocates, (3) promotes LEAP and (4) establishes formal (local? regional? national?) contacts for publishers.
- Develop a model license that outlines the desired choices for buying and selling content.
- Develop a curated short list of publishers that we want to target in the short to medium term.
- Develop a plan for self-published content.
- Develop a plan to obtain public domain content - once and for all done!
- Develop a plan for other content - from libraries, from unsolicited publishers/authors/etc.
- Answer the question: Are there different streams/processes for adding different kinds of content? If so, then describe them.
, multiple selections available,