Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is the main purpose of this project?

The primary goal of the Implementation of a metadata ingestion and partner management system, and related supporting infrastructure, that will serve as the basis of metadata aggregation and quality assurance for DPLA.  The project technology is being developed with the goal of extending it into a generalized “aggregation system in a box” for DPLA Service Hubs.

Who is the audience for this project?  Who will use the technology?

Why is this project important to the DPLA?


Why is this project important to the larger digital library community, or other communities?

  • Metadata Aggregation
  • Metadata Mapping
  • Enrichment


How is this technology different from previous technologies that the DPLA has used, or from our competitors’ technologies?

What is the timeline for completion?

Project work began in mid-October 2014 and is expected to continue through November 10, 2015.

The initial production launch and release of the project code took place in February, 2015.  Work to improve the metadata mapping UI's and explore Aggregation-in-a-Box functionality is scheduled to begin in the Spring/Summer 2015.

Are there opportunities for community involvement?  Who can get involved and how?


What roles do DPLA staff members have in the project?

The project team is cross-functional and includes members of the DPLA Technology and Content teams. The team is following Agile development practices.

  • Project Manager: Mark Matienzo
  • Product Owner: Gretchen Gueguen
  • Technical Lead: Tom Johnson
  • Developer: Audrey Altman, Mark Breedlove

Who are our external partners/funders for this project?  Logos of our partners/funders are required on public-facing project websites.

What are the names and numbers of grants associated with this project?  These are also required on public-facing project websites.

Where can people find documented information about this project?

The official Heidrun project page is: https://digitalpubliclibraryofamerica.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TECH/Heidrun

The API documentation for Kri-Kri is at: http://www.rubydoc.info/github/dpla/KriKri/master

Who can people contact for more information?


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