Public Domain Gap Analysis
Public Domain Gap Analysis
Unlike other curation activities, all of the books here should be in included in Open Bookshelf. The titles are compiled from lists of most commonly assigned and held public domain books. If you think a book merits serious reconsideration (e.g. reputation of the author or book, insensitive subject matter), please flag and notify Michelle.
- Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12x7a0HsbLnhCW25TtKIhrFqTPRxk7vnhkUBiS04ixi8/edit#gid=1104621035
- Go through titles one by one in your tab
- Please mark all work in your tab of the spreadsheet
- Search the title in the circulation manager
- If there are duplicate versions, add the best one to the Open Bookshelf list (see below) and any others to "Rejected"
- If there are duplicate versions in the spreadsheet, delete a row
- Is it there?
- NO
- mark N in the left column under "Open Bookshelf?"
- Included in a larger collection
- Add the collection if it appears to be high quality (e.g. Feedbooks or Standard Ebooks - if not, mark as "Gutenberg Purgatory")
- Mark Y in "Open Bookshelf?" column and make a note in the "Notes" column of the spreadsheet
- Yes, but the version looks bad (no cover, coming from Gutenberg)
- Assign to "Gutenberg Purgatory" lane
- NB: These Gutenberg books will soon be removed from the Circ Manager. If you don't see these, don't worry.
- Mark "Improve" in the "Open Bookshelf?" column on the spreadsheet
- Mark Y in the left column under "Open Bookshelf?"
- Assign to the Open Bookshelf list, if not there already
- Remove from any "Needs Review" lists
- NO
Later, we will be looking at how we can obtain quality copies of the No and Improve books.
, multiple selections available,