Widely held and/or widely circulated in libraries (public, digital, academic, school)
Commonly assigned in curriculum (e.g. top title in Open Syllabus, AP language bibliography)
Inclusion in lists, subject guides
Reputation/authoritativeness of publisher
Does not require other materials to go with it (i.e. a companion guide or database that a library user could not reasonably access)
EPUB format
Commonly assigned subjects that may also interest a public library audience
A completed monograph (as opposed to a thesis or dissertation)
Contemporary fiction and nonfiction
Non-fiction is peer reviewed
Subject is timely and relevant
Appears in respected best-seller and/or awards lists
Books with mature subject matter will be held to the same standards in the selection criteria (e.g. quality of content, reputation of author/publisher) and tagged as “Adult Only”
Children’s books
Trusted publisher/content creator
Timely and appealing to young audience
Appears in respected best-seller and/or awards lists (English-language)