Digital Virginias Dashboard

Service Hub - multi state (Virginia, West Virginia)



Name and URL

Digital Virginias

Point of contact

Wen Ng

Jessica McMillen

Ann Burns (ingest)

Perry Roland (ingest)

Irina Rogova (ingest)

Jessica McMillen (ingest)

Wen Nie Ng (ingest)

Network Council Rep and Alternate

Deborah Cornell (William &  Mary), Representative

Jessica Tapia (West Virginia University), Alternate

Staff Profile

Digital Virginias is a collective of six primary institutions that share the Hub’s administration, management and operational responsibilities between 9 FTE; with the total shared responsibilities comprising roughly 1.5 FTE.

Number of Partners


Current Record Set




Year accepted


Date of First Ingest


Lead/Key Institutions

Digital Virginias Hub consists of six institutions, University of Virginia, George Mason University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, William & Mary and West Virginia University.   The University of Virginia is the primary conduit to the DPLA and acts as the hub administrator. In the initial year (2018), the remaining institutions act as content providers and outreach with each institutions role expanding in subsequent years to offer metadata, digitization and/or content hosting services to organizations within Virginia and West Virginia.

Services Offered

Digital Virginia service model is developing as the initial 6 institutions establish the hub.  As the Service Hub expands we anticipate offering:

  • Metadata--Some network members will support under-resourced institutions though the development of descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata. All metadata will be normalized to DPLA requirements (UVA, WVU ...

  • Digitization--Some network members will support under-resourced institutions through digitization of audio-visual materials, printed and handwritten text, artwork, artifacts, and specimens for the purpose of ingest into DPLA. (VCU,  GMU,

  • Distributed digital preservation--Archival files and metadata will be submitted into the Academic Preservation Trust repository. (only currently true of UVA and VT)

  • Training--Network members will support under-resourced institutions though guidelines and consultations for the development of descriptive metadata (WVU, W&M, UVA)


Technology Details


Feed location

Metadata Prefix / schema




Sets to include


Aggregation Technology

Digital Virginias is a dark aggregator that leverages git software, and the hosted GitHub service for metadata  aggregation and delivery. UVA Library is responsible for management and operation of the tech stack and delivery of Dublin Core XML metadata to DPLA.

State/regional portal



DPLA Ingest Details


Ingestion Profile


MAP Crosswalk


Mapping (code)




DPLA ID based on



For details of ingest scheduling see the Hub Re-Ingest Schedule