Sunshine State Digital Network Dashboard

Sunshine State Digital Network Dashboard

Service Hub - single state


Name and URLSunshine State Digital Network
Point of contact

Keila Zayas Ruiz

Sunshine State Digital Network Coordinator

Florida State University Libraries

Special Collections and Archives

116 Honors Way

Tallahassee, FL 32306



Paul Clough, pclough@miami.edu (ingest sys)

Matthew Miguez, Metadata Librarian, FSU Libraries mmiguez@fsu.edu

Network Council Rep and Alternate

Keila Zayas Ruiz, SSDN Coordinator, FSU Libraries

Matthew Miguez, Metadata Librarian, FSU Libraries (alternate)

Staff Profile

SSDN Coordinator: 100% FTE (FSU)

Number of Partners8
Current Record Sethttps://dp.la/search?partner=%22Sunshine%20State%20Digital%20Network%22


Year accepted2017
Date of First IngestDecember, 2017
Lead/Key InstitutionsImplementing institutions: Florida State University Libraries (main hub), University of Miami Libraries (sub hub), Florida International University Libraries (sub hub), Florida Department of State Division of Library and Information Services.
Services OfferedStill under development

Technology Details

Feed locationfile transfer
Metadata Prefix / schema
Sets to includen/a
Aggregation Technology

Repox - OAI-PMH aggregation software. Serves as the “control panel” for collecting Florida digital collections metadata. The server hosting Repox also servers as the deposit point for transfering SSDN metadata to DPLA.

Citrus - XML to JSON-LD transformer. DPLA asked the SSDN to submit metadata in their native JSON-LD format rather than XML, as many other hubs do. Citrus performs the step of transforming Dublin Core, Qualified Dublin Core, and MODS XML records into the requested submission format.

Wordpress - Hosts the SSDN website: www.sunshinestatedigitalnetwork.org

State/regional portaln/a

DPLA Ingest Details

Ingestion Profileflorida.pjs
MAPv4 CrosswalkMODS to MAPv4
Mapping (code)ingestion1 mapper
Harvesteringestion1 file harvester
DPLA ID based onsourceResource.identifier

For details of ingest scheduling see the Hub Re-Ingest Schedule